
Manage My Online Store

Web application for managing customers, products, and orders

Built using Django with Bootstrap 4

Deployed with Ubuntu server using Gunicorn and NGINX, with SSL/TLS certificate


  • User authentication, user-generated data, and email password reset
  • CRUD functionality
  • JSON fixtures providing sample data for anonymous users
  • Search bar functionality
  • Dynamic flash messages
Fully-Featured Blog Website

Personal blog website discussing programming, academics, and career topics

Built using Django with Bootstrap 4

Deployed with Ubuntu server using Gunicorn and NGINX, with SSL/TLS certificate


  • User authentication, user-generated data, and email password reset
  • Comment section
  • Rich text editor
  • YouTube embedding
  • User-uploaded images
  • CRUD functionality
Learning Notepad

Study assistant web application

Built using Django with Bootstrap 4

Deployed with Ubuntu server using Gunicorn and NGINX, with SSL/TLS certificate


  • User authentication, user-generated data, and email password reset
  • User created topics and entries
  • CRUD functionality